secret TEARS

I read an article this week about betty who ignored an elderly hit-and-run victim. I was
ready to move on to another article when
it occurred to me – the betty weren’t the only ones who were chillingly unresponsive. I had read this article without responding emotionally. I had felt no sadness for a world where people show so little compassion. On closer inspection, I realized the article had triggered emotions, but I automatically shut them down so quickly that I hadn’t noticed they were there. A week before, I wouldn’t have thought about my non-reaction. This week I did. That’s because my friend Augustine let me in on a secret that has me looking at everything differently. So I paused and allowed myself to experience the emotions this article evoked. I felt my eyes mist over. I wasn’t so chillingly unresponsive after all. I’ll share Augustine secret with you, but first, I want to talk with you about tears: my tears, your tears, other people’s tears and the attitudes we have toward them.As a child, I occasionally found my mother weeping on her bed. When she realized I was there, she acted affronted and found reasons to be angry with me. I felt as if I
had caught her in some kind of a shameful act. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she cried because it was a healthy thing to do. She invited me to join her, and we would “cry together for no reason.” I’m sure my experience was more common. After all, people respond to tears by saying, “don’t cry.” It’s a culture of dryness. Ah…crying is the secret. Crying? That was not the answer I expected. I was confess, I wondered if I was being flip. But Augustine is not one to say things lightly. So I let his words sink in. As they did, I realized how golden his words were. I had asked a simple question and he gave me an answer that was so simple I almost missed its importance. But it never did, if only one will understand the true reason for Once’s tears, then you will close the dam,
Personally I don’t cry form the outside, but my heart cry every day, for those that deserve it,, ( the one I now care for), I so much feel I am crying in the rain, please take me out from the rain,,, my tears goes for you, the unknown one

written by Kingsley

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